The current population in Columbia County is 4,026 based on the latest Office of Financial Management (OFM) estimate. Population in Columbia County has remained steady in the last decade with a slight decline in 2016.
The latest population projections from OFM “high” series estimates that Columbia County can expect a slight population increase of 4,356 over the next 20 years. The “medium” series indicates a decline in population from 4,150 to 3,669 by the year 2038. Based on these two estimates, and accounting
for a large industrial development occurring in the County near Starbuck, the County feels that slightly increasing the growth would be more appropriate for future projection. Therefore, County projects 4,002 individuals living in the County by the year 2038.
Approximately 35% of the total County population, or 1,470 people, reside in the unincorporated area of Columbia County. The average share of the population by the City of Dayton in the last decade is 62% of the total county population. The average share of the Town of Starbuck is 3.17%.
Based on this and the expected slight growth increase, the projected County population in 2038 is expected to be 1,440. Dayton is projected to have a population of 2,580 in year 2038, a slight increase from the 2018 population of 2,560.